Child & Adolescent Therapy
Children and Adolescents
For many kids, childhood and adolescence can be an extremely challenging time.
When they're young, they must deal with the pressures of school life, making friends and dealing with family issues. As teenagers, they must make their way through tremendous physical and emotional changes. Dealing with the pressures of family, school, friends, social media, drugs, sex and a host of other challenges can be very overwhelming, and can come at an immense cost to mental health for many young people.
Some will find they need help finding a path through all these obstacles, and it's never too early, or late, to ask for help. Our specialists have years of training and experience in helping kids and teenagers deal with a variety of issues including:
Bipolar Disorder
Adjustment Disorder
Post-traumatic Distress Disorder
Complex Trauma
Grief / Loss
Personality Disorder
Transgender & Gender Councelling
Intellectual Disability
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
School Stress
HSC Supprt
Behaviour Management
Childhood Emotional Disturbance
For more information on these or any other issues you or your child may be experiencing, contact us on the details below...